import os import sqlite3 class Creature: def __init__(self, creature_id: int, creature_name: str, creature_nickname: str, health: int, power_level: int, max_spawn: int, stunnable: int, stun_multiplier: float or None, door_open_speed: float or None, hostile: int, creature_type: str, favorite_moon: str): self.creature_id: int = creature_id self.creature_name: str = creature_name self.creature_nickname: str = creature_nickname int = health self.power_level: int = power_level self.max_spawn: int = max_spawn self.stunnable: bool = bool(stunnable) self.stun_multiplier: float = stun_multiplier self.door_open_speed: float or None = door_open_speed self.hostile: bool = bool(hostile) self.creature_type: str = creature_type self.favorite_moon: str = favorite_moon class Moon: def __init__(self, moon_id: int, name: str, risk_level: str, cost: int, default_layout: str, map_size_multiplier: float, min_scrap: int, max_scrap: int, outside_max_power: int, inside_max_power: int, tier: str): self.moon_id: int = moon_id str = name self.risk_level: str = risk_level self.cost: int = cost self.default_layout: str = default_layout self.map_size_multiplier: float = map_size_multiplier self.min_scrap: int = min_scrap self.max_scrap: int = max_scrap self.outside_max_power: int = outside_max_power self.inside_max_power: int = inside_max_power self.tier: str = tier class Scrap: def __init__(self, scrap_id: int, name: str, min_value: int, max_value: int, weight: int, conductive: int, two_handed: int): self.scrap_id: int = scrap_id str = name self.min_value: int = min_value self.max_value: int = max_value self.weight: int = weight self.conductive: bool = bool(conductive) self.two_handed: bool = bool(two_handed) def get_connection() -> sqlite3.Connection: """Opens a connection to the SQLite3 database at the default path or a path provided by an environment variable if one exists. :return: A connection to the database as a sqlite3.Connection object """ if os.getenv("DATABASE_FILE"): return sqlite3.connect(os.getenv("DATABASE_FILE")) else: return sqlite3.connect("./scouter.db") def get_creature_by_id(creature_id: int) -> Creature or None: with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ select c.creature_id, c.creature_name, c.creature_nickname,, c.power_level, c.max_spawn, c.stunnable, c.stun_multiplier, c.door_open_speed, c.hostile, ct.type_name, m.moon_name from creature as c join main.creature_type ct on c.creature_type_id = ct.creature_type_id join main.moon m on c.favorite_moon_id = m.moon_id where creature_id = ? limit 1; """ creature = cursor.execute( query, (creature_id,) ).fetchone() if creature: return Creature(*creature) else: return None def get_moon_id_by_name(moon_name: str) -> int | None: """Queries the database for a moon ID that matches the given name. :param moon_name: Moon name as a string :return: The moon's ID as an int or None if no moon is found """ with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() moon_id = cursor.execute( "select moon_id " "from moon " "where moon_name = ? " "limit 1;", (moon_name,) ).fetchone() if moon_id: return moon_id[0] else: return None def get_moon_list() -> list[str] | None: """Provides a list of all moon names from the database. :return: All moon names as a list of strings or None if no moons are found """ with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() moon_names = cursor.execute( "select moon_name " "from moon " "order by moon_id;" ).fetchall() if moon_names: return [moon[0] for moon in moon_names] else: return None def get_moon_by_id(moon_id: int) -> Moon | None: """Queries the database to create a moon object. :param moon_id: Moon ID as int :return: A moon object or None if no moon is found """ with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ select m.moon_id, m.moon_name, rl.risk_level_name, m.cost, l.layout_name, m.map_size_multiplier, m.min_scrap, m.max_scrap, m.outside_max_power, m.inside_max_power, mt.tier_name from moon as m join main.risk_level rl on rl.risk_level_id = m.risk_level_id join main.layout l on l.layout_id = m.default_layout_id join main.moon_tier mt on mt.moon_tier_id = m.moon_tier_id where m.moon_id = ? limit 1; """ moon = cursor.execute( query, (moon_id,) ).fetchone() if moon: return Moon(*moon) else: return None def get_scrap_list() -> list[str] | None: """Provides a list of all scrap names from the database. :return: All scrap names as a list of strings or None if no scrap is found """ with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() scrap_names = cursor.execute( "select scrap_name from scrap order by scrap_id" ) if scrap_names: scrap_names = [scrap[0] for scrap in scrap_names] return scrap_names else: return None def get_scrap_id_by_name(scrap_name: str) -> int | None: """Queries the database for a scrap ID that matches the given name. :param scrap_name: Moon name as a string :return: The scrap's ID as an int or None if no scrap is found """ with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() scrap_id = cursor.execute( "select scrap_id " "from scrap " "where scrap_name = ? " "order by scrap_name " "limit 1;", (scrap_name,) ).fetchone() if scrap_id: return scrap_id[0] else: return None def get_scrap_by_id(scrap_id: int) -> Scrap | None: with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ select s.scrap_id, s.scrap_name, s.min_value, s.max_value, s.weight, s.conductive, s.two_handed from scrap as s where scrap_id = ? limit 1; """ scrap = cursor.execute( query, (scrap_id,) ).fetchone() if scrap: return Scrap(*scrap) else: return None def get_spawnable_inside_creature_ids(moon_id: int) -> list[int] | None: with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor() query = """ select c.creature_id as Creature from spawn_chance as s join main.creature c on s.creature_id = c.creature_id join main.moon m on m.moon_id = s.moon_id join main.creature_type ct on ct.creature_type_id = c.creature_type_id where s.moon_id like ? and (ct.type_name = 'Inside' or 'Hybrid') and s.spawn_chance > 0 order by s.spawn_chance desc; """ creature_ids = cursor.execute( query, (moon_id,) ).fetchall() if creature_ids: return [creature_id[0] for creature_id in creature_ids] else: return None