use crate::serenity; use crate::{Context, Error}; use rand::seq::IteratorRandom; use std::{ fs::File, io::{BufRead, BufReader}, }; /// Basically a ping command #[poise::command(slash_command, prefix_command)] pub async fn slur(ctx: Context<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> { let file = File::open("quotes.txt").unwrap_or_else(|_e| panic!("Quote file missing.")); // Open the quotes file let file = BufReader::new(file); // Read the quotes file let quotes = file.lines().map(|res| res.expect("Failed to read line.")); let quote = quotes .choose(&mut rand::thread_rng()) .expect("No lines in file."); // Pick a random quote ctx.send(|f| { f.embed(|f| { f.title("DMBrandon Sez:") .description(format!("\"{}\"", quote)) .color(serenity::Colour::GOLD) }) }) .await?; // Send embed with team picks Ok(()) }